Jeg hjelper til i kampen mot kreft!

Faktisk gjør jeg det as we speak. For min PC jobber nå beinhardt med å dele ut min ledige prosessorkraft til flere prosjekter deriblant kreftforskning. Via min PC regnes det nå ut forskjellige matteprosesser som igjen utgjør at det blir forsket på løsning mot forksjellige former for kreft.

Det er ikke bare i kreftforskningen jeg nå bidrar, men også til å klimaendringer og kampen mot spredning av malaria. Selv synes jeg dette er en fin måte å gjøre noe for verden og spesielt med å bruke min ledige prosessor kraft i PC-en som jeg ikke bruke likevel mens PC-en står på.

Mer fakta om denne hjelpen jeg bidrar med finner du her;

With Progress Thru Processors, you can contribute to life-changing research simply by sharing your computer’s spare processing power.


Intel?s goal is not only to make higher performing processors but also to help create a better tomorrow. Working in association with BOINC and GridRepublic volunteer computing, Intel?s Progress Thru Processors allows people to share a portion of their processor?s idle computer power and apply it toward life?changing research. With your help, scientists can expand their research and bring us one step closer to finding a cure for cancer, controlling the spread of malaria and combating global warming.

By sharing your processor?s spare computing power, you can potentially help save lives and make tomorrow better for everyone.

Ready to join? Click here to download the Progress Thru Processors application:

How it works:

Progress Thru Processors is available to all Facebook users. The Progress Thru Processors application automatically directs a computer?s idle processor power to fuel researchers? computational efforts. The application will activate only when a
PC?s performance is not being fully utilized. When your computer usage demands more processor performance, the application defers and sits idle until spare processing capabilities become available again.

The application runs automatically as a background process on a PC and will not affect performance or any other tasks. Additionally, Progress Thru Processors does not require you to leave your computer powered up unnecessarily. By keeping your PC on only as you normally would, you will be contributing to life-changing research while still being kind to the environment.

Through the application?s interface on Facebook, you will be able to track your contributions and share updates with your friends and members of the Progress Thru Processors community.

Ready to join? Click here to download the Progress Thru Processors application:

About the projects:

Rosetta@home – This project needs your help to determine the 3-dimensional shape of proteins as part of research that may ultimately contribute to cures for major human diseases such as AIDS/HIV, malaria, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

By running the Rosetta program on your computer while you’re not using it, you will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we couldn’t possibly attempt without your help. – This project is computing a massive environmental model intended to forecast climate conditions in the 21st century.

Climate change, and our response to it, is an issue of global importance, affecting food production, water resources, ecosystems, energy demand, insurance costs and much else. There is broad scientific consensus that the Earth will probably warm over the coming century; should, for the first time, tell us what is most likely to happen.

Africa@home – The goal of this project is to use volunteer distributed computing to provide computing resources to African universities and institutions. The first such project is, a project to determine optimal strategies for controlling the spread of malaria.

Computer models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of the disease can be used to improve planning for delivery of mosquito netting, medicines, and other resources. But such models would literally take forty years to run only on the computers available to the scientists who developed them; with the help of volunteers like you, we hope get the first results in a few months.

Each project is independently managed.

Ready to join? Click here to download the Progress Thru Processors application:


Er du med på noe lignende og kunne du tankt deg og vært med på dette? Er det andre måter du føler du stiller opp for verdenssamfunnet på?



Arrangerer en rekke spillevents for både små og store. I tillegg har jeg et mål om at skolene skal bli flinkere til å bruke spill i undervisningen. Det finnes mange gode og lærerike spill som ikke utnyttes godt nok i disse instansene. I 2010 ble jeg også nominert til årets ildsjel på Gullstikka samt nominert til Ung Kulturpris i Nord-Trøndelag og jeg fikk Inspirasjonsprisen fra Snåsa Kommune og Sparebank 1. Har seks herlige barn, en kjempeherlig kjæreste og som jeg spiller spill sammen med. Kvalitetstid. Hva med deg?
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3 thoughts on “Jeg hjelper til i kampen mot kreft!

  1. sv; jeg skal tenke på det, selvom jeg ikke kan så mye om spill så hørtes det utrolig gøy ut å melde seg inn i et nettsamfunn og lære mer om dagens/fortidens spill 😀

  2. Hei!
    Jeg fikk med meg på en blogg at du ønsket deg noen leketøy i senga for deg og kona di.
    Besøk denne siden:!
    Her kan du finne alt som trengs for å tilfredsstille kona di (:
    Ha en fortsatt fin kveld, og kos deg med kona i kveld. Fortell henne hvor høyt du elsker henne, og dette kommer til å bli en sprø kveld!

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