Mesteren er tilbake – Grid 2!

Gjett om jeg jubler høyt nå. Endelig et livstegn fra det kommende racingspillet Grid 2 som utvikles av racingspillmesteren Codemasters. Det første spillet i serien – Race Driver Grid er i mine øyne et av de beste bilspillene som er lagd. Ufattelig godt balansert bilspill med überfet grafikk, god bilfysikk og en detaljegrad som får den ivrigste bilfanatikeren til å sikle stort. Codemasters har alltid vært konger på bilspill og sendt ut det ene klassikerspillet etter det andre i racingspillsjangeren. 

Codemasters skriver dette om Grid 2:

GRID 2 will challenge players to be fast, be first and be famous as they enter a stunning new world of competitive motorsport. In pre-production for two years, GRID 2 is now in full development on the latest evolution of the award-winning EGO Game Technology Platform. Following the success of GRID, which set new standards for damage, AI, visuals and introduced the Flashback time rewind feature – now adopted by many racing games, GRID 2 will again raise the gameplay and technological bar for motorsport gaming and remain true to the series, core value, it’s all about the race. 

“GRID is back and we’re going to make street, track and road racing exciting again,” said Clive Moody, Executive Producer. “The core design philosophy for GRID 2 is that we treat the race as a character, not a consequence of simply putting cars on tracks. Everything that goes into the game impacts on that second-to-second, in the moment, blockbuster drama, the feel and personality of the race.

“We’re pushing boundaries once again with what can be accomplished in the genre via new tools, technology and innovations. In single-player, split-screen and online, the next-generation of the EGO Game Technology Platform will power graphics, AI, handling and damage advancements that will immerse players in the racing experience like never before. Like its predecessor, GRID 2 will put the sheer thrill and adrenaline rush of the race at the heart of the experience. It’s what we call Total Race Day Immersion.”

In an expansive career mode, players will experience aggressive wheel-to-wheel racing against advanced AI where each spectacular race unfolds with cinematic immersion. Building on the handling model from GRID, the new TrueFeel Handling System will use real physics to hit a sweetspot between accessibility and simulation and deliver handling that is approachable yet challenging to master. 

Going behind the wheel of a handpicked selection of automotive icons spanning four decades and three continents USA, Europe and Asia, players will race their way to the top of a new, evolving world of motorsport. From Paris to Abu Dhabi, Miami to the sun-kissed California coast and beyond, beautifully created city streets, licensed circuits and edge-of-control mountain roads will become home to the most visceral and exhilarating races in games.

GRID 2 will also set new standards for a racing multiplayer experience with an entirely distinct and extensive gameplay component and unique progression system. Deep customisation options and integration with RaceNet* the online community portal for Codemasters Racing games which tracks player’s races, rewards and rivals will offer further immersion and connectivity in GRID 2’s new world of motorsport.

En annen ting som er herlig med bilspill, jo, spillene er barnevennlige og stort sett alle kan spille bilspill. Lite vold og blodige handlinger sørger for at bilspill er noe jeg anbefaler på mine spillforedrag “Spill er sunt”

er så herlig å tenke på at Grid 2 er under utvikling. Nedtellingen har startet og jeg gleder meg stort til å få vite mer om dette racingspillet som slippes i løpet av neste år til konsoll og PC.. 

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Arrangerer en rekke spillevents for både små og store. I tillegg har jeg et mål om at skolene skal bli flinkere til å bruke spill i undervisningen. Det finnes mange gode og lærerike spill som ikke utnyttes godt nok i disse instansene. I 2010 ble jeg også nominert til årets ildsjel på Gullstikka samt nominert til Ung Kulturpris i Nord-Trøndelag og jeg fikk Inspirasjonsprisen fra Snåsa Kommune og Sparebank 1. Har seks herlige barn, en kjempeherlig kjæreste og som jeg spiller spill sammen med. Kvalitetstid. Hva med deg?
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