Da er det søndag og på en dag som dette må vi unne oss litt artigheter. Her er noen vitser;
· A mom is tidying her son’s bedroom and finds a hidden stack of bondage and fetish magazines. She asks her husband what to do. He says DO NOT FRICKIN SPANK HIM!
· Woman walks in drycleaners with whitestained shirt. ‘Can you clean this please?’ she asks. the man is partially deaf ‘Come again?’. she replies ‘No it’s yogurt’
· Skinny jeans are otherwise known as whisper pants…you can see the lips moves but can’t hear a word

Bare en ting å si: Haha 😀
hehe morsomt 🙂
hehe morro…..å takk for kommentar =)
hah :p
sv – takk for kommentaren din!