Møt Vaas! Han der ville ikke jeg ha møtt…

I Far Cry 3 får vi møte en person som jeg aldri i verden ville ha møtt i vrikeligheten. Personen som gjerne setter en kule mellom øra er Vaas. Han går ikke av veien for å få det som han vil og om du ikke svarer riktig på spørsmålene han stiller, kan det fort hende du blir haimat. 

Her er en treffende beskrivelse av Vaas:

Vaas is an unpredictable, psychotic, violent, merciless, coked-up pirate warlord and slave trader who kills purely for entertainment. No one is safe when Vaas is around. Not his friends, and certainly not his enemies.

This murderer was once destined to inherit the power of his people, the Rakyat. His sister, Citra, rose to lead the entire tribe. Vaas was groomed to become the most powerful warrior on the island. But, instead, he shirked his responsibilities, fleeing the tribe, right into the hands of Hoyt Volker. Hoyt, the principal drug-runner and slave trader operating along the Pacific Rim, had selected Rook Island as his base of operations. He saw murderous potential in Vaas, and promised him wealth and drugs. Now Vaas is Hoyt?s most brutal enforcer. His favorite pastime? Kidnapping innocents, accepting ransom money, and selling them as slaves. 

To those who serve under him, Vaas is a vicious and unpredictable boss. To those who dare cross him, Vaas is a lethal adversary. He?s an expert shot and a ferocious hand-to-hand warrior; his body bears the scars of savage battles deep in the jungle, which he wears with pride. But it is his explosive unpredictability that makes him so dangerous.

Early in the story, Vaas and his pirates capture Jason Brody and his friends. Vaas taunts them, explaining that he?s eager to see how much money Jason?s parents will pay for his return. But then things go south. Jason escapes. Enraged that a ?pretty boy? would dare challenge him, Vaas screams: ?If the jungle doesn?t eat you alive, I will.? And thus begins a lethal rivalry between the two men. Jason does whatever he can to save his friends and escape, while Vaas develops a psychotic fixation on killing Jason once and for all. 


But through all of Vaas?s murderous rage, glimpses of his remaining humanity can be seen. Lurking underneath the raucous façade is a disturbed exile, one running from a past that haunts him. He displays a twisted sense of humor that defies categorization. He is real. Unpredictable. Dangerous. Despicable. And entirely unique. He is Vaas.



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Arrangerer en rekke spillevents for både små og store. I tillegg har jeg et mål om at skolene skal bli flinkere til å bruke spill i undervisningen. Det finnes mange gode og lærerike spill som ikke utnyttes godt nok i disse instansene. I 2010 ble jeg også nominert til årets ildsjel på Gullstikka samt nominert til Ung Kulturpris i Nord-Trøndelag og jeg fikk Inspirasjonsprisen fra Snåsa Kommune og Sparebank 1. Har seks herlige barn, en kjempeherlig kjæreste og som jeg spiller spill sammen med. Kvalitetstid. Hva med deg?
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