Check this out Colossal Order!

A game I just love and playing a lot is Cities Skylines. The game is awesome and giving me a lot of entertainment. The game has everything I could dream of as a city builder. Specially the DLC After Dark, I have been hooked on the game and uses a lot of my speartime to play it. The game developer Colossal Order stands behind the best city-builder-game in history and have beaten the classsic SimCity 4 from the top.

The game has everything. From huge map, well structured simulations and a big amount of buildings, vehicles, parks and other goodies. In addition, we find incredibly good modders who are constantly sending out new things to the game that we can enjoy ourselves. I am simply impressed how the game is structured and how it works.

Although I have played all of the city-builder-games and game series I have been following is Cities XL. One thing I really liked in this series was the animations in the game. Although its streets are not filled by residents, so have the buildings exciting animations that makes the game look more realistic. This I miss in Cities Skylines. Build a park, it had been fun and seen residents use the park units. Or see that a gang playing soccer on a newly built football facility.

For example in Cities XXL there were many such animations that gave the buildings life and how it all became much more realistic. We built up a ski resort, so you could see residents skiing and built a pool and you could see the citizens swam in the pool.

All this helps to spice up life in the game. I know that developer Colossal Order have started a new expansion pack and in this context I have many desires. Among other things, I want seasons with spring, summer, autumn and winter. Imagine a snowmap and you see the snow descend while residents actively using the resort you have set up. What about a real amusement park where you see residents using roller coasters, or now as Christmas is approaching so I want to see the Christmas tree in the city and where residents go in around Christmas trees and celebrate Christmas. It had been incredibly cool. What with a well-developed military base and where you can see military training outside barracks, military aircraft and helicopters fly over the base? All these are things that are helping to spice up the game.

But first there must be multiple animations in buildings and the possibility for modders to add this into their creations. A game that has life is something that looks a lot more realistic that lets you get even more cravings for playing.

What do you think? What would you like most of all when it comes to the next DLC from developer Colossal Order for game Cities Skylines?

Here is an example of how Colossal Order may do so with animations in their buildings. Watch the trailer of Cities XXL (although Cities Skylines is a hundred times better than Cities XXL, then the animations in the game better).

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Arrangerer en rekke spillevents for både små og store. I tillegg har jeg et mål om at skolene skal bli flinkere til å bruke spill i undervisningen. Det finnes mange gode og lærerike spill som ikke utnyttes godt nok i disse instansene. I 2010 ble jeg også nominert til årets ildsjel på Gullstikka samt nominert til Ung Kulturpris i Nord-Trøndelag og jeg fikk Inspirasjonsprisen fra Snåsa Kommune og Sparebank 1. Har seks herlige barn, en kjempeherlig kjæreste og som jeg spiller spill sammen med. Kvalitetstid. Hva med deg?
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2 thoughts on “Check this out Colossal Order!

  1. Trams! Trams! Trams!
    Also – please, no amusement park, circus or anything like that. Every single one is unique and seeing everyone’s city with the exactly the same thing would not be cool at all. Leave that to community

  2. Luke: Agree to have unique cities, but if you have a amusementpark with animations from a base, modders can make even more exciting stuff to the park 😉 Already there are some roller coasters that modders have build, but these have no animations. If those had animations, it would have been awesome. Have you seen Cities XXL? There you have a lot of animations in buildings. This I really want to have in Cities Skylines. It would have been awesome 🙂

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