Kain AIMO-serien lansert av Roccat


Visste du at Turtle Beach har kjøpt opp Roccat? Jupp, det stemmer, men det hindrer ikke den tyske produsenten Roccat å komme med stadig nye spennende produkter. Nylig annonserte Roccat en helt ny gamingmus-serie og som har fått navnet Kain AIMO og som du sikkert skjønner blir et nytt skudd på treet til AIMO-serien. Det er ikke så lenge siden jeg skrev om mine opplevelser med Roccat Kova AIMO. Som du da leste så var jeg godt fornøyd med gamingmusen og da tenker jeg at denne nye serien Kain AIMO kommer til å bli bra, men som mange sier, en skal ikke selge skinnet før bjørnen er skutt. 



Roccat er en produsent av spillprodukter som har mange år på baken og som har sendt ut det ene kvalitetsproduktet etter det andre. I dag er det altså klart for Kain AIMO-serien bortsett fra den trådløse utgaven som dukker opp i november og jeg gleder selvsagt meg stort til å teste og spille med.



Her er noen ord fra produsenten rundt lanseringen av disse gamingmusene:

ROCCAT, newly acquired by Turtle Beach, fully unveils its brand-new mouse series: the ROCCAT Kain AIMO. The starting vision was to create the best possible click, but this evolved into a meticulous analysis of every part of the mouse. The brand remastered each detail, from the shape to the internal mechanics to the surface material. Piotr Gburzynski, Product Manager for mice and keyboards says “The Kain’s development challenged all performance-related features for a next-gen gaming mouse. Using a new click mechanism, mouse wheel structure, sensor and performance coating, it fulfils gamers’ dreams for the best in reliability and precision.” 12 years of mouse design testifies to ROCCAT’s progress into a premium PC peripheral brand.


Three variants of the Kain are revealed by the German peripheral manufacturer. The Kain 100 AIMO carries ROCCAT’s Pro-Optic (R8) sensor for 8,500dpi accuracy, plus texturized side grips. The Kain 120 AIMO boasts the new version of ROCCAT’s Owl-Eye 16K optical sensor while the version 200 represents the series’ wireless mouse.



All three models have the same shape: born of a meticulous process involving two years of research, testing and hearing feedback from beta-testers and what customers truly want. The idea was to create an ergonomic shape that doesn’t strictly position the hand into a specific grip style. The performance and accuracy of the shape is enhanced by an evolutionary new coating. It is grippy, durable and dirt resistant thanks to a hybrid anti-wear UV coating. Combined with a light weight of only 89 grams, the Kain AIMO 100 and 120 are agile and comfortable in hand. All variants of the Kain are available in black and white. Its split buttons design not only supports the click mechanism but also adds to its sophisticated aesthetics. In addition, the Kain is a new addition to the AIMO ecosystem, synergizing with other AIMO products to create a vivid aesthetic without the need for extensive configuration.


The desire to develop a better click was the essence of the project. After successfully developing a keyboard switch for the Vulcan series in 2018, it felt natural for ROCCAT to also revisit the mechanism and design of mouse clicks. Mechanics are but one part of ROCCAT’s revolutionized Titan Click. Pushing the boundaries of performance even further, an intelligent algorithm in the Kain’s firmware improves signal processing to register mouse clicks up to 16ms faster. This allows for a rapid response to action, a great advantage for gamers that require speed and precision. The perfectly positioned Omron switches, exclusive to ROCCAT, are placed directly behind the split buttons to offer crisp and direct feedback. Optimized hinges and springs bring the support and stability for balanced control. The click mechanism also holds a 2D mousewheel which sits in a 4D mousewheel holder, and has its switch directly below it making the click of the mousewheel exceptionally precise. All around speed, control, precision and performance are what the Kain AIMO series promises to deliver.



Så her er det altså mye å glede seg til med Roccat Kain AIMO-serien gamingmuser. Ønsker du mer info om gamingmusene så gå inn på nettsiden til Roccat


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